Netflix的“巫师:深处的哨兵”2月11日开场白, 重点是Geralt阻止了一场人与人的战争。 Netflix's "The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep" debuts Feb 11, focusing on Geralt stopping a human-merperson war.
Netflix即将于2025年2月11日首映的动画片《巫师:深处的警笛》。 Netflix's upcoming animated film, "The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep," premieres on February 11, 2025. 该片改编自短篇小说《小小的牺牲》(A Little Sacrifice),由道格·科克尔(Doug Cockle)配音的杰洛特(Geralt)调查了海边村庄人类与人鱼之间的冲突。 Based on the short story "A Little Sacrifice," it features Geralt, voiced by Doug Cockle, investigating a conflict between humans and merpeople in a seaside village. 影片由Kang Hei Chul导演, 包括Joey Batey和Anya Chalotra, 分别扮演Jaskier和Yennefer, The film, directed by Kang Hei Chul, includes Joey Batey and Anya Chalotra reprising their roles as Jaskier and Yennefer. 其目的是防止这两个集团之间即将爆发的战争。 It aims to prevent an impending war between the two groups.