Nespresso在新西兰引入了新的冰咖啡口味,包括附件和回收利用方案。 Nespresso introduces new iced coffee flavors in New Zealand, including accessories and a recycling program.
Nespresso在新西兰启动了一个新的夏季冰冻咖啡场,其特色是热带椰子和阳光明媚的杏仁等口味。 Nespresso has launched a new summer iced coffee range in New Zealand, featuring flavors like tropical coconut and sunny almond. 该运动包括限量设计Pantone设计配件和回收利用方案。 The campaign includes limited-edition Pantone-designed accessories and a recycling program. 冰咖啡胶囊是为有咖啡质量的冷酿品设计的,以原装和Vertuo胶囊形式提供,每袖10个胶囊价格从14美元到17美元不等。 The iced coffee capsules are designed for barista-quality cold brews and are available in both Original and Vertuo capsule formats, priced from $14 to $17 per sleeve of 10 capsules.