Martin Ready, 42, 被判犯有密谋通过暗网雇用杀手的罪行;由于精神健康床位短缺,对他的判决被推迟。 Martin Ready, 42, found guilty of plotting to hire a hitman via dark web; his sentencing delayed due to mental health bed shortages.
42岁的Martin Ready 被判有罪 密谋雇用杀手 杀害检察官Darren Harty 使用暗网的加密货币 Martin Ready, 42, was found guilty of plotting to hire a hitman to kill prosecutor Darren Harty using cryptocurrency on the dark web. 声称他有妄想症 并相信他是"邪恶的耶稣" Ready claimed he was delusional and believed he was "evil Jesus." 他的判决被推迟到1月28日,原因是格拉斯哥一家精神病院的床位供应情况不确定,尽管符合入院标准。 His sentencing was delayed until January 28 due to uncertainty about bed availability at a mental health facility in Glasgow, despite meeting admission criteria.