闯入后在阿德莱德被捕的男子发现老年男子的尸体;涉嫌谋杀。 Man arrested in Adelaide after break-ins lead to discovery of elderly man's body; suspected murder.
一名来自Cowandilla的32岁男子在阿德莱德被捕,此前,警察多次闯入,在附近的一个家中发现了一名60岁男子的尸体。 A 32-year-old man from Cowandilla was arrested in Adelaide after a series of break-ins led police to discover the body of a 60-year-old man at a nearby home. 受害人知道的嫌疑人被发现腿部受伤,一旦接受治疗,预计将被指控犯有谋杀和财产犯罪。 The suspect, known to the victim, was found with a leg injury and is expected to be charged with murder and property offenses once treated. 警方敦促任何有情报的人 与犯罪制止者联系 Police urge anyone with information to contact Crime Stoppers.