孤独的山脉:雪骑士将于1月21日加入Xbox游戏通行证,随后还有其他新游戏. Lonely Mountains: Snow Riders joins Xbox Game Pass on Jan. 21, followed by other new games.
孤独的山脉:雪骑士,一个单人和多人游戏,将于2025年1月21日开始在Xbox Game Pass上发售. Lonely Mountains: Snow Riders, a skiing game with solo and multiplayer options, will be available on Xbox Game Pass starting January 21, 2025. 游戏的特色是高山,有隐藏的路径、新技巧和可定制的装备。 The game features mountains with hidden paths, new tricks, and customizable gear. 其他游戏,如永恒的史坦兹(Eternal Strands)和史奈普·艾利特(Sniper Elite):抵抗运动也将于1月晚些时候加入游戏通过。 Other games like Eternal Strands and Sniper Elite: Resistance will also join Game Pass later in January. 这个月开始时增加的游戏较少, 但后半部分则承诺给订户更多内容。 The month started with fewer game additions, but the second half promises more content for subscribers.