美国JBS公司同意在4 000名儿童被非法雇用后支付400万美元用于打击童工现象。 JBS USA agrees to pay $4M to combat child labor after 4,000 children were illegally employed.
美国最大的肉类加工商JBS USA Food Co.(JBS USA Food Co.)同意支付400万美元支持童工受害者, JBS USA Food Co., the nation's largest meat processor, has agreed to pay $4 million to support victims of child labor and prevent illegal practices after the US Department of Labor found over 4,000 children were employed in violation of federal laws. JBS将雇用一名合规专家,维持一条道德操守热线,并对所有雇员和第三方承包商提供培训。 JBS will hire a compliance specialist, maintain an ethics hotline, and provide training for all employees and third-party contractors. 该协议还包括关于预防童工问题的专题讨论会,并优先考虑关键社区的努力。 The agreement also includes a symposium on preventing child labor and prioritizes efforts in key communities.