爱尔兰审计师质疑Waterford北Quay项目的顾问费大幅增加,理由是超支和延误。 Irish auditor questions massive increase in consultants' fees for Waterford's North Quay project, citing overruns and delays.
一名爱尔兰审计员质疑将沃特福德市2.07亿欧元北奎伊开发项目的顾问费增至2 400万欧元的两倍。 An Irish auditor has questioned the tripling of consultants' fees to €24 million on Waterford City's €207 million North Quay development project. 110多项重新设计改动导致费用比原先估计的670万欧元上涨。 Over 110 redesign variations caused the fees to rise from an original estimate of €6.7 million. 该项目包括一座桥梁和水处理设施,面临拖延和预算超支,但理事会声称它谨慎管理风险预算,并寻求法律咨询。 The project, which includes a bridge and water treatment facilities, faces delays and budget overruns, but the council claims it has managed the risk budget prudently and is seeking legal advice.