印度尼西亚计划确定使用社交媒体的最低年龄,以保护青年用户。 Indonesia plans to set a minimum age for social media use, aiming to protect young users.
印度尼西亚计划根据澳大利亚对16岁以下用户的禁令,对利用社交媒体保护儿童引入最低年龄要求。 Indonesia plans to introduce a minimum age requirement for social media use to protect children, inspired by Australia's ban on users under 16. 近一半的12岁以下儿童已经使用Facebook、Instagram、TikTok等平台。 With 79.5% of Indonesia's population online, nearly half of children under 12 already use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. 确切的年龄限制尚未确定,但总统普拉博沃·苏比安托支持旨在加强数字安全的倡议。 The exact age limit is yet to be determined, but President Prabowo Subianto supports the initiative, aimed at enhancing digital safety.