HCLTech与微软合作, 在获得Nuance服务后, 使用AI改造联系中心。 HCLTech partners with Microsoft to transform contact centers using AI, after acquiring Nuance’s services.
HCLTech和微软公司扩大了伙伴关系,利用人工智能和云解决方案改造联络点。 HCLTech and Microsoft expanded their partnership to transform contact centers with AI and cloud solutions. 该公司收购了Nuance的企业专业服务业务,包括550名人员和现有合同,成为Nuance客户的独家伙伴。 HCLTech acquired Nuance's Enterprise Professional Services business, including 550 personnel and existing contracts, becoming the exclusive partner for Nuance's customers. 这项举措将Microsoft Dynamics 365联系中心与AI能力相结合,旨在以更快、更聪明的支持加强客户服务。 This move integrates Microsoft Dynamics 365 Contact Center with AI capabilities, aiming to enhance customer service with faster, smarter support.