马耳他Zurrieq的二战前简易机场现已翻新为促进和平与生物多样性的公共花园。 A former WWII airstrip in Żurrieq, Malta, is now a renovated public garden promoting peace and biodiversity.
马耳他Zurrieq附近的一个战时简易机场已转变为和平实验室花园,是一个宁静的公共空间。 A war-era airstrip near Żurrieq, Malta, has been transformed into the Peace Lab Garden, a tranquil public space. 该花园是1971年由Fr Dionysius Mintoff创建的,用可回收材料制造的低架桥、宽通道、照明系统、树木、灌木、儿童游戏设备翻新了花园。 Founded by Fr Dionysius Mintoff in 1971, the garden was renovated with low bridges, wider pathways, a lighting system, trees, shrubs, and children's play equipment made from recyclable materials. 该项目由绿色项目牵头,旨在提高无障碍性和生物多样性。 The project, spearheaded by Project Green, aims to enhance accessibility and biodiversity. 环境部长米里亚姆·达利(Miriam Dalli)和乌里埃克(Zurrieq)地方理事会都参观了花园,现在花园是一个令人放松的社区空间。 Environment Minister Miriam Dalli and the Żurrieq Local Council have visited the garden, which now serves as a relaxing communal space.