多米尼加研究之家揭幕980磅的圣加布里埃尔钟,纪念120周年。 Dominican House of Studies unveils 980-pound St. Gabriel bell, marking 120th anniversary.
哥伦比亚特区华盛顿的多明我会研究院纪念其120周年,安装了以1929年圣加布里埃尔命名的980磅的钟声。 The Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C., marked its 120th anniversary by installing a 980-pound bell named after St. Gabriel, cast in 1929. 向圣加布里埃尔致敬的钟声在弥撒期间得到了祝福。 The bell, inscribed with a tribute to St. Gabriel, was blessed during a Mass. 该机构的下一个项目将是修复主礼拜堂的祭坛。 The institution's next project will be restoring altars in the main chapel.