DFDS每周发射西班牙和荷兰之间的轮渡服务,以工业货运为目标。 DFDS launches weekly ferry service between Spain and Netherlands, targeting industrial freight.
渡轮运营商DFDS正在启动每周一次的货运服务,将西班牙维拉加尔西亚港与荷兰鹿特丹连接起来,向工业客户和货运代理商提供服务。 DFDS, a ferry operator, is launching a weekly freight service linking Spain's port of Vilagarcía with Rotterdam in the Netherlands, catering to industrial customers and freight forwarders. 这一直接路线为公路运输提供了一个有竞争力的替代办法,由铝和能源公司Hydro签署每周发运铝合同。 This direct route offers a competitive alternative to road transport, with Hydro, an aluminum and energy company, signing up for weekly aluminum shipments. 这项服务使用滚动/滚动方法,提高效率和减少排放量。 The service uses a roll-on/roll-off (RoRo) method, enhancing efficiency and reducing emissions.