加利福尼亚的海狮返回西温哥华,造成噪音,但标志着一个健康的生态系统。 California sea lions return to West Vancouver, causing noise but signaling a healthy ecosystem.
加州的海狮又回到了西温哥华的加罗湾, 以不断的叫声制造出一个响亮的存在。 California sea lions have returned to West Vancouver's Garrow Bay, creating a loud presence with their constant barking. 这是他们第二次在私人浮体上安顿下来, 他们通常的冬季栖息地在温哥华岛附近。 This is the second time they've settled on a private float, with their usual winter habitat being around Vancouver Island. 温哥华水族馆的Martin Haulena鼓励共存, 将海狮视为健康生态系统的标志。 The Vancouver Aquarium's Martin Haulena encourages coexistence, viewing the sea lions as a sign of a healthy ecosystem. 尽管有这些噪音,他们的人口自1970年代获得保护以来反弹。 Despite the noise, their population has rebounded since gaining protection in the 1970s. 海狮预计将在春末离开 前往加州和墨西哥海岸的交配季节。 The sea lions are expected to leave for mating season on the California and Mexico coast in late spring.