Blue Dart在德里开设了一个大型太阳能物流中心,以提高航运效率。 Blue Dart opens a large, solar-powered logistics hub in Delhi to boost shipping efficiency.
Blue Dart在德里启动了一个新的2.5万平方米的后勤枢纽,以加强印度北部的连通性和效率。 Blue Dart has launched a new 2.5 lakh sq ft logistics hub in Delhi to enhance connectivity and efficiency in northern India. 该设施位于主要运输路线和机场附近,用600千瓦太阳能支持可持续做法,每天可使用自动化系统分拣5.5万马赫货物。 Located near major transport routes and the airport, the facility supports sustainable practices with 600 kW of solar power and can sort over 5.5 lakh shipments daily using automated systems. 该枢纽体现了蓝达公司对环境责任和可扩展性的承诺。 The hub reflects Blue Dart's commitment to environmental responsibility and scalability.