孟加拉因与印度关系紧张, 禁止拍摄Kangana Ranaut主演的「紧急」电影。 Bangladesh bans film "Emergency" starring Kangana Ranaut due to strained ties with India.
孟加拉国禁止娜拉纳特即将上映的电影"紧急情况", Bangladesh has banned the release of Kangana Ranaut's upcoming film "Emergency," which focuses on former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's life during India's 1975 Emergency period. 禁令的起因是印度与孟加拉国之间目前紧张的政治关系, 而不是影片的内容。 The ban is due to the current strained political relationship between India and Bangladesh, rather than the film's content. 电影也报导了英迪拉甘地在1971年孟加拉独立战争中所扮演的角色。 The movie also covers Indira Gandhi's role in the 1971 Bangladesh War of Independence.