小安托万·卢普 (Antoine Loup Jr.) 在纽约州恩迪科特谋杀亚伦·勒加尔 (Aaron LeGare) 被判有罪,面临 25 年无期徒刑。 Antoine Loup Jr. found guilty of murdering Aaron LeGare in Endicott, NY, facing 25 years to life.
51岁的Antoine Loup Jr., 被Broome县陪审团判定有罪,罪名是谋杀Aaron LeGare和篡改证据。 Antoine Loup Jr., 51, was found guilty by a Broome County jury of murdering Aaron LeGare and tampering with evidence. 该事件发生于2023年7月8日,纽约Endicott, Loup在争吵中向LeGare开枪,后来将枪藏在他的阁楼里。 The incident occurred on July 8, 2023, in Endicott, New York, where Loup shot LeGare during an argument and later hid the gun in his attic. Loup可能被判处25年徒刑至终身监禁。 Loup faces a potential sentence of 25 years to life in prison. 地方和国家警察机构对该案件进行了调查。 The case was investigated by local and state police agencies.