阿尔茨海默氏病的药物市场将在新疗法的驱动下,到2033年将增长到19.3B美元。 Alzheimer's drug market set to grow to $19.3B by 2033, driven by new therapies.
全球阿尔茨海默氏病市场预计将从2023年的24亿美元猛增到2033年的193亿美元,这是由于引进了昂贵的疾病改良疗法(DMTs)。 The global Alzheimer's disease market is forecast to soar from $2.4 billion in 2023 to $19.3 billion by 2033, driven by the introduction of costly disease-modifying therapies (DMTs). 预计这些疗法将占据市场主导地位,贡献价值的73.5%,但经常接受四类治疗和获得诊断扫描的机会有限等挑战可能会阻碍其实施。 These therapies are expected to dominate the market, contributing 73.5% of the value, but challenges like frequent IV administration and limited access to diagnostic scans may hinder their implementation. 制药公司正在探讨口服替代药,如ANAVEX2-73和NN-6535,以克服这些问题。 Drug companies are exploring oral alternatives like ANAVEX2-73 and NN-6535 to overcome these issues. 这种增长在包括美国、日本和中国在内的市场中尤为显著。 This growth is particularly significant in markets including the US, Japan, and China.