Eaton Fire之后 Victoria DeSantis在被摧毁的家园的废墟中发现了她的结婚戒指。 After the Eaton Fire, Victoria DeSantis found her wedding ring amid the ruins of her destroyed home.
在阿尔塔迪纳的伊顿大火过后,消防员发现维多利亚·德桑提斯的婚戒是在她被毁家园的瓦砾中发现的。 In the aftermath of the Eaton Fire in Altadena, firefighters found Victoria DeSantis's wedding ring in the rubble of her destroyed home. DeSantis在撤离期间留下了她的戒指。 DeSantis had left her rings behind during the evacuation. 虽然她失去了家,但她认为恢复她的婚戒乐队是复原力和爱的象征。 Though her home was lost, she considers the recovery of her wedding band a symbol of resilience and love. 家人仍在寻找她母亲在残骸中的结婚戒指。 The family is still searching for her mother's wedding ring in the debris.