由Elon Musk领导的X公司扩大了对包括Twitch在内的广告商的反托拉斯诉讼。 X Corp., led by Elon Musk, expands antitrust lawsuit against advertisers, including Twitch.
Elon Musk的X公司正在扩大对广告商的诉讼,指控通过非法的抵制,违反了美国反托拉斯法。 Elon Musk's X Corp. is expanding its lawsuit against advertisers, alleging a violation of U.S. antitrust laws through an illegal ad boycott. 该诉讼最初是针对世界广告商联合会(World Federation of Advertisers)及其全球负责任媒体联盟(Global Alliance for Responsible Media)提起的,此后X撤销了对联合利华的指控,并增加了亚马逊的Twitch。 Initially filed against the World Federation of Advertisers and its Global Alliance for Responsible Media, the suit has since seen X drop charges against Unilever and add Amazon's Twitch. X计划在1月20日前增加更多被告并分享一份经修订的申诉。 X plans to add more defendants and share a revised complaint by January 20.