托宾兄弟的毒品帝国在查获2 000万英镑的可卡因 以及黑客EncroChat的证据后崩溃了 Tobin brothers' drug empire collapsed after a £20M cocaine seizure and evidence from hacked EncroChat.
托宾兄弟约翰和艾伦在联合王国进行大规模毒品交易,向主要帮派提供毒品。 The Tobin brothers, John and Alan, ran a large drug operation in the UK, supplying drugs to major gangs. 他们的帝国在2 000万英镑的可卡因货物被警察扣押后崩溃了。 Their empire crumbled after a £20 million cocaine shipment was seized by police. 约翰因为未偿债务被枪杀, 他们的倒台因黑客EncroChat系统的证据而加速。 John was shot over unpaid debts, and their downfall was hastened by evidence from the hacked EncroChat system. 他们使用一名前联盟战斗人员作为执法者,并使用尖端方法运输毒品。 They used an ex-UFC fighter as their enforcer and employed sophisticated methods to transport drugs. 两兄弟现在都服长期徒刑。 Both brothers are now serving long prison sentences.