南非乔治的SydSen招聘人员正在招聘会计角色,需要Excel技能和注意细节。 SydSen Recruit in George, South Africa, is hiring for accounting roles requiring Excel skills and attention to detail.
南非招聘公司SydSen新招聘公司正在乔治聘请一名初级会计办事员。 A South African recruitment firm, SydSen Recruit, is hiring a Junior Accounting Clerk in George. 其作用涉及保持财务记录、处理发票和编写报告。 The role involves maintaining financial records, processing invoices, and preparing reports. 候选人需要会计教育和Excel能力。 Candidates need accounting education and Excel proficiency. 在乔治的另一项工作是寻找一名具有2-3年经验和Excel技能的会计。 Another job in George seeks a bookkeeper with 2-3 years of experience and Excel skills. 这两种作用都需要重视细节和强有力的组织技能。 Both roles require attention to detail and strong organizational skills. 使用电子邮件在sydsen.com向Marili申请。 Apply by email to Marili at sydsen.com. 在开普敦,Easipack公司提供永久性的Tally办事员职位,月薪为15 000兰特,重点是库存追踪和记录。 In Cape Town, Easipack offers a permanent Tally Clerk position with a monthly salary of R15,000, focusing on inventory tracking and record-keeping.