SUS环境展示了以可持续性和环境保护为重点的新的品牌特征。 SUS ENVIRONMENT unveils new brand identity focusing on sustainability and environmental protection.
SUS Environment(一家顶级废物变能源公司)于2025年1月推出了新的品牌身份,强调可持续性和环境保护。 SUS ENVIRONMENT, a top waste-to-energy (WtE) company, has launched a new brand identity in January 2025, emphasizing sustainability and environmental protection. 该徽标受到《太极图》的启发,使用蓝色和绿色象征创新和环境保护,以金银为标志质量和稳定性。 The logo, inspired by the Tai Chi diagram, uses blue and green to symbolize innovation and environmental protection, with gold and silver for quality and stability. 该公司在废物焚烧技术方面领先,每天为1亿多人服务,处理110 000吨废物,以促进全球可持续发展。 The company, leading in waste incineration technology, serves over 100 million people and processes 110,000 tons of waste daily, aiming to enhance global sustainable development.