2月8日Sparkle网络喜剧之夜为四个慈善组织募集资金, Sparkle Network's Comedy Night on Feb 8 raises funds for four charities with a lineup of comedians.
Sparkle Network的喜剧之夜于2月8日在翡翠剧院举行, 喜剧演员Moe Lietz、Chris Young、Justin Divozzo和Diego Attanasio分别是喜剧演员Moe Lietz、Chris Young、Justin Divozzo和Diego Attanasio。 Sparkle Network's Comedy Night, happening on February 8 at the Emerald Theater, features comedians Moe Lietz, Chris Young, Justin Divozzo, and Diego Attanasio. 门票销售支持四个慈善机构:Camp Heartbreaker、Sparkle Network 的 Dream、Believe 和 Do Scholarship、Smile for a Lifetime 和 Meadowbrook Center。 Ticket sales support four charities: Camp Heartbreaker, Sparkle Network's Dream, Believe, and Do Scholarship, Smile for a Lifetime, and Meadowbrook Center. 去年,这次活动筹集了6 500美元。 Last year, the event raised $6,500. 票可以在线购买,可选择哪些慈善福利。 Tickets can be bought online, with options to choose which charity benefits.