西班牙警方逮捕了三名因重罪在意大利遭通缉的卡莫拉黑手党高级成员。 Spanish police arrest three high-ranking Camorra mafia members wanted in Italy for serious crimes.
西班牙警方在西班牙马尔贝拉逮捕了三名涉嫌为意大利黑手党的意大利Neapolitan Camorra高级别成员。 Spanish police have arrested three suspected high-ranking members of the Italian Neapolitan Camorra mafia in Marbella, Spain. 嫌疑人,包括一名犯罪头目及其亲属,因谋杀未遂、武器贩运和洗钱等严重罪行在意大利遭到通缉。 The suspects, including a crime boss and his relatives, were wanted in Italy for serious crimes like attempted murder, weapons trafficking, and money laundering. 这些逮捕是在该部族的老板从意大利逃往西班牙后开始的调查之后进行的。 The arrests followed an investigation initiated after the clan's boss fled to Spain from Italy. 意大利警察协助了这项行动。 Italian police assisted in the operation.