在特朗普的能源政策中 苏格兰的眼神机会 推动了其丰富的离岸风能潜力 Scotland eyes opportunity in Trump admin's energy policies, pushing its abundant offshore wind potential.
苏格兰认为特朗普政府的能源政策的不确定性具有潜在潜力,这种政策有利于石油和天然气。 Scotland sees potential in the uncertainty of the Trump administration's energy policies, which favor oil and gas. 发展中的离岸风量达40千兆瓦——远超过该国的电力需求——苏格兰为绿色能源投资提供了一个稳定的环境。 With 40 GW of offshore wind in development—far exceeding the country's electricity needs—Scotland offers a stable environment for green energy investments. 这可以吸引数据中心和其他寻求清洁电力的能源密集型产业。 This could attract data centers and other energy-intensive industries seeking clean power.