可再生能源需求不断增长促使全球需要更多的铜矿开采和清洁煤炭技术。 Rising renewable energy demand drives need for more copper mining and cleaner coal tech globally.
全球对可再生能源的推动正在推动对铜的需求上升,铜对于电动车辆和电网至关重要,而煤炭对发展中国家仍然至关重要。 The global push for renewable energy is driving up demand for copper, crucial for electric vehicles and power grids, while coal remains vital for developing nations. 采矿公司必须投资于铜的勘探,特别是在非洲,以及更清洁的煤炭技术。 Mining firms must invest in copper exploration, especially in Africa, and cleaner coal technologies. 它们还需要改进物流,采用人工智能和自动化等数字技术,优先考虑劳动力培训,以便有效利用这些工具。 They also need to improve logistics and adopt digital technologies like AI and automation, prioritizing workforce training to leverage these tools effectively.