近200名新南威尔士州精神病医生计划因薪酬和资金纠纷而辞职,对心理健康服务造成沉重打击。 Nearly 200 NSW psychiatrists plan to resign over pay and funding disputes, hitting mental health services hard.
新南威尔士州近 200 名精神科医生,包括来自 Illawarra Shoalhaven 地方卫生区的 9 名,由于薪酬纠纷和对心理健康系统的担忧,将于 1 月 20 日辞职。 Nearly 200 psychiatrists in New South Wales, including nine from the Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District, are set to resign on January 20 due to a pay dispute and concerns about the mental health system. 辞职将严重影响急诊部门和外科病房。 辞呈遵循州政府提出的在三年内提高10.5%工资的提议,而精神病医生要求提高25%工资。 The resignations, which will severely impact emergency departments and surgical wards, follow the state government's offer of a 10.5% pay increase over three years, opposed to the 25% sought by psychiatrists. 新南威尔士州卫生部正在设立一个新的心理健康业务中心,并寻求增加劳动力能力,以缓解危机。 NSW Health is setting up a new mental health operations center and seeking additional workforce capacity to mitigate the crisis. 争议凸显了精神保健人员不足和资金不足等更广泛的问题。 The dispute highlights the broader issues of understaffing and inadequate funding in mental health care.