毛里求斯部长拜访了Ayodhya的Ram Mandir, 赞美并突显了即将到来的Maha Kumbh。 Mauritius' minister visited Ayodhya's Ram Mandir, praising it and highlighting the upcoming Maha Kumbh.
毛里求斯艺术和文化部长Gondeea(Mahendra Gondeea)于2023年1月13日访问Ayodhya的Ram Mandir, Mauritius' Arts and Culture Minister, Mahendra Gondeea, visited Ayodhya's Ram Mandir on January 13, 2023, to offer prayers, expressing his happiness and belief that the temple will become the best in the world once completed. Gondeea因工作而不能参加Maha Kumbh活动,强调了这次活动的重要性,预计活动在45天的运行期间将吸引4亿游客。 Gondeea, unable to attend the Maha Kumbh due to work, highlighted the event's significance, which is expected to attract 400 million visitors during its 45-day run. 北方邦首席部长强调2025年的Maha Kumbh是印度独特的文化和精神展品。 Uttar Pradesh's Chief Minister emphasized the Maha Kumbh 2025 as a unique cultural and spiritual showcase for India.