约翰·兹瓦因在澳洲荒地植物园工作而获得弗兰克·乌戈迪奖。 John Zwar received the Frank Ugody Award for his work at the Australian Arid Lands Botanic Garden.
澳大利亚荒地植物园之友会长John Zwar因在南澳大利亚州景观设计师颁奖之夜献身于花园的开发和维护而获得弗兰克·乌戈迪奖。 John Zwar, president of the Friends of the Australian Arid Lands Botanic Garden, received the Frank Ugody Award for his dedication to the garden's development and maintenance at the Master Landscapers of South Australia awards night. Zwar花了很多年在花园里工作。 Zwar has spent many years working on the garden. 同时 Harris Scarfe的Waisalla商店 将在公司寻找买主时 继续营业 Meanwhile, Harris Scarfe's Whyalla store will keep operating as the company looks for a buyer.