印度成功地试验了新的反坦克导弹,标志着军事能力的增强。 India successfully tests new anti-tank missile, marking a boost in military capabilities.
印度国防研究和发展组织在Pokhran射击场成功试验了第三代反坦克制导导弹Nag Mk 2型导弹。 India's Defence Research and Development Organisation successfully tested the Nag Mk 2, a third-generation anti-tank guided missile, at the Pokhran firing range. 导弹准确摧毁了不同射程的目标,其载体系统也进行了评估,使武器为印度陆军准备就绪。 The missile accurately destroyed targets at various ranges, and its carrier system was also evaluated, making the weapon ready for the Indian Army. 国防部长Rajnath Singh祝贺参与成功审判的各小组。 Defence Minister Rajnath Singh congratulated the teams involved in the successful trials.