IIM Sambalpur在泰国商业分析中引入了双度选择的MBA。 IIM Sambalpur introduces MBA in Business Analytics with a dual-degree option in Thailand.
IIM Sambalpur在其德里校园的商业分析学推出了一个新的MBA方案,向泰国的亚洲理工学院提供了双重学位的选择。 IIM Sambalpur has launched a new MBA program in Business Analytics at its Delhi campus, offering a dual-degree option with the Asian Institute of Technology in Thailand. 该方案的重点是将管理教育与大数据、人工智能和机器学习方面的高级分析技能相结合。 The program focuses on combining management education with advanced analytical skills in big data, AI, and machine learning. 具有STEM背景和相关工作经验的学生可在泰国申请双学位和一年工作签证。 Students with a STEM background and relevant work experience can apply, and upon completion, they receive dual degrees and a one-year work visa in Thailand.