加纳前总统马哈马计划重新评估全国大教堂项目,并列举费用和管理问题。 Former Ghanaian President Mahama plans to reassess the National Cathedral project, citing cost and management concerns.
加纳前总统马哈马(John Mahama)宣布计划重新评估其前任发起的有争议的国家大教堂项目。 Former Ghanaian President John Mahama announced plans to reassess the controversial National Cathedral project, initiated by his predecessor. 他强调,国家资金将不予使用,并建议重新考虑地点,以确保以合理的费用完成项目。 He emphasized that state funds will not be used and suggested the location might be reconsidered to ensure the project is completed at a reasonable cost. 人权和行政司法委员会将调查该项目,原因是对支出和据称管理不善的关切。 The CHRAJ will investigate the project due to concerns over spending and alleged mismanagement.