五名气候活动家因在澳洲Newcastle Harbour的皮艇上抗议而被罚款。 Five climate activists fined for protesting in kayaks in Newcastle Harbour, Australia.
五名 Rising Tide 活动人士因在澳大利亚纽卡斯尔港的抗议活动中不听从警方的指示而被每人罚款 600 美元。 Five Rising Tide activists were fined $600 each for not following police directions during a protest in Newcastle Harbour, Australia. 他们把充气皮艇垫在航运通道上,导致警察作出大量反应,并危及安全。 They paddled inflatable kayaks in the shipping channel, causing a substantial police response and risking safety. 法院承认他们对气候的关切,但强调指出,违法是不可接受的。 The court acknowledged their climate concerns but emphasized that breaking the law is unacceptable. 抗议活动涉及其他21名活动分子,有些案件休庭,另一些案件待决。 The protest involved 21 other activists, with some cases adjourned and others pending.