德里高等法院批评政府拖延CAG报告,质疑政府的诚意。 Delhi High Court criticizes government for delaying CAG reports, questioning its sincerity.
德里高等法院批评德里政府推迟提交主计长兼审计长(审计长)的报告, The Delhi High Court has criticized the Delhi government for delaying the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) reports, suggesting the government's actions raise questions about their sincerity. BJP MLA希望召开一届特别会议来讨论报告, 但政府反对此事, 称之为政治动机。 BJP MLAs want a special session to discuss the reports, but the government opposes this, calling it politically motivated. 法院要求有关各方对请愿作出回应。 The court asked involved parties to respond to the petition.