孟买高等法院的一位律师声称,2006年孟买火车爆炸中被指控的7名被监禁男子是无辜的,并称他们遭受酷刑。 A Bombay High Court counsel claims seven imprisoned men accused in the 2006 Mumbai train blasts are innocent, citing torture.
孟买高等法院的一名高级律师辩称,2006年孟买当地火车爆炸案的7名被控男子是无辜的,他们已被监禁18年。 A senior counsel in the Bombay High Court has argued that seven men accused in the 2006 Mumbai local train blasts, who have been imprisoned for 18 years, are innocent. 律师声称,他们的供词是通过酷刑获得的,而且调查机构存在“社区偏见”。 The counsel claims their confessions were obtained through torture and that there was a "communal bias" by investigating agencies. 2015年,12名男子被定罪;5人被判处死刑,7人终身监禁。 In 2015, 12 men were convicted; five were sentenced to death and seven to life in prison. 马哈拉施特拉邦政府试图确认死刑判决,而罪犯则要求无罪开释。 The Maharashtra government seeks to confirm the death sentences, while the convicts appeal for acquittal.