巴塞罗那在西班牙超级杯赛中胜过马德里5比2, Barcelona beats Real Madrid 5-2 in Spanish Super Cup, despite playing with 10 men for part of the game.
巴塞罗那在西班牙超级杯赛中击败了马德里5比2, Barcelona defeated Real Madrid 5-2 in the Spanish Super Cup, playing with 10 men for part of the game. 这场比赛展示了巴塞罗纳令人惊叹的表演,赢得了巴塞罗纳队在两个西班牙足球巨人之间一场高度预期的冲突中的胜利。 The match showcased a stunning performance by Barcelona, securing their victory in a highly anticipated clash between the two Spanish football giants.