Ather Energy,电动摩托车制造商,计划投资24亿美元,比八月份翻了一番。 Ather Energy, an electric scooter maker, plans a $2.4 billion IPO, doubling its value from August.
Ather Energy计划在其即将到来的IPO中为自己估价24亿美元,这比8月的13亿美元估值大幅上升。 Electric two-wheeler maker Ather Energy plans to value itself at $2.4 billion in its upcoming IPO, a significant jump from its $1.3 billion valuation in August. 该公司向印度证券监管机构提出IPO申请,目的是筹集3.6亿美元,其市场份额已增至16%,超过Ola Electric的对手。 The company, which filed for its IPO with India's securities regulator, aims to raise $360 million and has seen its market share grow to 16%, surpassing rival Ola Electric. Ather计划扩大其服务中心和收费网络。 Ather plans to expand its service centers and charging networks.