Alex Salmond的遗孀谴责前盟友政客的言论, Alex Salmond's widow condemns attacks on his reputation following comments by ex-allied politician.
苏格兰前总理亚历克斯·萨尔蒙德的遗莫伊拉·萨尔蒙德 (Moira Salmond) 批评她最近对已故丈夫的言论是"不公平和令人痛苦的". Moira Salmond, the widow of late Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond, has criticized recent comments that she deems "unfair and distressing" about her late husband. 在采访后, 前盟友Nicola Sturgeon讨论Salmond的行为, 说她不得不介入“许多次”, These remarks followed an interview where former ally Nicola Sturgeon discussed Salmond's behavior, saying she had to intervene "many times" when he was "rough on people." Moira通过她的律师发表声明,敦促批评者停止攻击她丈夫的名誉,因为这给家庭带来痛苦。 Moira, in a statement through her lawyers, urged critics to stop attacking her husband's reputation, as it causes pain to the family. 10月,Salmond死于心脏病发作,11月,为著名苏格兰政治家举行了追悼仪式。 Salmond died of a heart attack in October, and a memorial service was held in November for the prominent Scottish politician.