圣路易斯的一扇窗户被子弹打碎时,一名5岁男孩被玻璃击伤。 A 5-year-old boy was injured by glass when bullets shattered a window in St. Louis.
一名5岁男孩在星期六晚上被子弹打碎了圣路易斯卡尔广场附近的窗户,他被飞着的玻璃击伤。 A 5-year-old boy was injured by flying glass when bullets shattered a window in St. Louis' Carr Square neighborhood on Saturday night. 事件发生在下午10时30分左右,地点在北16街1300号街区。 The incident occurred around 10:30 PM in the 1300 block of North 16th Street. 孩子被送往医院治疗。 The child was taken to a hospital for treatment. 圣路易斯大都会警察局正在进行调查,而犯罪拦截者则对导致逮捕的信息给予奖励。 The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department is investigating, and CrimeStoppers is offering a reward for information leading to an arrest.