Monroe东罗斯福Blvd主水维修造成车道关闭和交通中断。 Water main repairs on East Roosevelt Blvd in Monroe cause lane closures and traffic disruptions.
Monroe正在进行主要水修工程,关闭了601 S号公路附近的东罗斯福Blvd两条西行道。 工程预计持续7至10小时,造成交通中断。 Water main repairs are underway in Monroe, closing two westbound lanes of East Roosevelt Blvd near Highway 601 S. The work, expected to last 7-10 hours, has led to traffic disruptions. 城市官员建议司机跟随标志,放慢速度,在工作区周围保持谨慎。 City officials advise drivers to follow signage, slow down, and exercise caution around the work zone. 这是继最近夏洛特的主要水位中断之后发生的。 This follows recent water main breaks in Charlotte.