联合王国警方追捕失踪的被定罪的强奸犯Daniel Keith Bennett,最后一次在Weymouth被发现。 UK police hunt missing convicted rapist Daniel Keith Bennett, last seen in Weymouth.
Devon和Cornwall警察正在寻找Daniel Keith Bennett。 Daniel Keith Bennett是52岁被定罪的强奸犯, 1月3日在Dorset的Weymouth的保释宿舍失踪。 Devon and Cornwall Police are searching for Daniel Keith Bennett, a 52-year-old convicted rapist who went missing from a bail hostel in Weymouth, Dorset on January 3. Bennett, 已知访问当地的 Wetherspoons 酒吧, 与Penzance和Bournemouth有联系。 Bennett, known to visit a local Wetherspoons pub, has ties to Penzance and Bournemouth. 当局警告公众不要接近他,但用任何信息通知999,引用1月4日第53号日志。 Authorities warn the public not to approach him but to call 999 with any information, quoting log number 53 of January 4.