顶尖品牌和领导者聚集在拉斯维加斯,讨论AI对消费电子产品的影响。 Top brands and leaders gathered in Las Vegas to discuss AI's impact on consumer electronics.
2024-2025年全球顶级品牌奖和国际消费电子行业领袖峰会于2025年1月8日在拉斯维加斯举行。 The 2024-2025 Global Top Brands Awards and International Consumer Electronics Industry Leaders' Summit took place on January 8, 2025, in Las Vegas. 活动由Wynn & Encore旅馆主办,重点是AI在消费电子产品方面的作用,其特色是展示新技术的顶级品牌。 Hosted at the Wynn & Encore Hotel, the event focused on AI's role in consumer electronics, featuring top brands showcasing new technologies. 工业领导人讨论了创新和未来趋势,强调向更聪明、更先进和无害环境的产品的转变。 Industry leaders discussed innovation and future trends, highlighting a shift towards smarter, more advanced, and environmentally friendly products. 人们注意到中国品牌在全球市场中具有越来越多的创新地位。 Chinese brands were noted for their growing innovative presence in the global market.