泰国农民利用AI创造稻田艺术, 向洪水灾民致敬并吸引访客。 Thai farmer creates rice paddy art using AI, honoring flood victims and attracting visitors.
泰国农民Tanyapong Jaikham将清莱省2公顷的稻田改造成充满活力的艺术, Thai farmer Tanyapong Jaikham transformed 2 hectares of his rice fields in Chiang Rai province into vibrant art featuring a red dragon, a local feline deity, dogs, and cats. 这些设计是利用人工智能和全球定位系统技术绘制的,用于种植20公斤彩虹水稻种子。 The designs were plotted using AI and GPS technology to plant 20 kg of rainbow rice seeds. 艺术是受九月洪水影响的人的荣誉,吸引了数千名游客寻求灵感和希望。 The art honors those affected by September's flooding and has attracted thousands of visitors seeking inspiration and hope.