校车站附近被击中和逃跑的青少年受重伤;司机被找到,调查正在进行中。 Teen seriously injured in hit-and-run near school bus stop; driver located, investigation ongoing.
一名十几岁的男孩在圣约翰斯县Flagler Estates的Palatka大道的校车站行走时,在一次肇事逃逸的事故中严重受伤。 A teenage boy was seriously injured in a hit-and-run accident while walking to his school bus stop on Palatka Boulevard in Flagler Estates, St. Johns County. 上午6时45分由路人发现,他被空运至医院,伤势严重。 Found by a passerby at 6:45 a.m., he was airlifted to the hospital in critical condition. 圣约翰斯县警长办公室已找到所涉车辆并约谈了司机,但没有公布进一步细节。 The St. Johns County Sheriff's Office has located the vehicle involved and interviewed the driver, but no further details have been released.