Stamford民主党在未能为长期志愿者提供感谢信后面临内部冲突。 Stamford Democratic Party faces internal conflict after failing to pass a thank-you note for longtime volunteer.
康涅狄格州斯坦福德民主党在未能通过长期市志愿者杰基·赫夫特曼的感谢信后面临内部冲突. The Stamford Democratic Party in Connecticut is facing internal conflict after failing to pass a thank-you note for longtime city volunteer Jackie Heftman. 尽管她服务了30多年,但该决议仍被由37名成员组成的董事会的两名成员所阻挡,其中16人赞成,12人弃权。 Despite her over 30 years of service, the resolution was blocked by just two members of the 37-member board, with 16 in favor and 12 abstaining. 事件突出表明,一党主导的制度有可能出现功能失调。 The incident highlights the potential for dysfunction within one-party dominated systems.