西门子赢得了24.4亿英镑的合同 开发英国新的高速铁路HS2的系统 Siemens wins £2.24 billion in contracts to develop systems for UK's new high-speed rail, HS2.
Siemens流动公司从HS2有限公司获得四份5.6亿英镑的合同,为连接伦敦和西米德兰的225公里高速铁路开发关键系统。 Siemens Mobility secured four £560 million contracts from HS2 Ltd to develop key systems for a new 225-kilometer high-speed railway connecting London and the West Midlands. 这些系统包括指挥、控制、信号、交通管理和电讯。 The systems include command, control, signalling, traffic management, and telecommunications. Siemens也将投资1亿英镑投资在Chippenham的新制造和研发中心,以2026年取代现有的工厂。 Siemens will also invest £100 million in a new manufacturing and R&D center in Chippenham, replacing the existing factory by 2026.