销售力量是顶尖的云计算股票,它准备在繁荣的市场中随着人工智能整合而增长。 Salesforce, a leading cloud computing stock, is poised for growth with AI integration amid a booming market.
销售集团公司(CRM)是顶级云计算库存之一,预计将受益于AI一体化和不断增长的云市场。 Salesforce, Inc. (CRM) is among the top cloud computing stocks, expected to benefit from AI integration and the growing cloud market. 据预测,Salesforce的数据云将在未来实现增长,预计到2025年,云计算市场将实现两位数增长. Salesforce's Data Cloud is well-positioned for future growth, with the cloud computing market forecast to see double-digit growth in 2025. 该公司面临来自多莫公司(DOMO)、金软云控股公司(KC)和甲骨文公司(ORCL)等其他公司的竞争,该行业随着混合和多层办法的发展而扩展,AI驱动的服务日益普遍。 The company faces competition from others like Domo, Inc. (DOMO), Kingsoft Cloud Holdings (KC), and Oracle Corporation (ORCL), as the industry expands with hybrid and multi-cloud approaches, and AI-driven services become more prevalent.