牛津郡在数字开关上保留纸质停车许可证, 帮助没有互联网的人。 Oxfordshire keeps paper parking permits amid digital switch to help those without internet.
牛津郡县议会将继续提供纸质游客停车许可证,连同其数字系统,以容纳无法上网的人。 Oxfordshire County Council will continue to offer paper visitor parking permits alongside its digital system to accommodate those without internet access. 该理事会为了方便和效率改用在线系统,但回应了用户反馈,确保到2025年底,纸质许可证仍然有效。 The council switched to an online system for convenience and efficiency, but has responded to user feedback by ensuring paper permits remain valid until the end of 2025. 关于今后申请纸质许可证资格的更多详情将在稍后公布。 More details on future eligibility for paper permits will be announced later.