尼日利亚权利团体对有争议性的《网络犯罪法》修正案起诉总统和州长。 Nigerian rights group sues president and governors over controversial Cybercrimes Act amendment.
社会经济权利与问责项目(SERAP)就2024年《网络犯罪法》修正案在西非经共体法院起诉尼日利亚总统博拉·蒂努布和该国36名州长。 The Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) has sued Nigeria's President Bola Tinubu and the country's 36 governors at the ECOWAS Court over the 2024 Cybercrimes Act amendment. SERAP声称,法律的模糊术语,如“网络跟踪”被用来压制言论自由,侵犯记者、活动家和社交媒体使用者的权利。 SERAP claims the law's vague terms, such as 'cyberstalking,' are used to suppress free speech and violate the rights of journalists, activists, and social media users. 该诉讼寻求宣布该行为为非法,不符合尼日利亚的人权义务。 The lawsuit seeks to have the act declared unlawful and inconsistent with Nigeria's human rights obligations.