尼日利亚部长支持拉各斯州长的Seyi Tinubu, Nigerian minister endorses Seyi Tinubu for Lagos governor, despite his undeclared political ambitions.
青年发展部长Ayodele Olawande已认可博拉·蒂努布总统之子Seyi Tinubu为拉各斯州州长的合格候选人,尽管Seyi没有证实政治野心。 Minister of Youth Development Ayodele Olawande has endorsed Seyi Tinubu, son of President Bola Tinubu, as a qualified candidate for the Governor of Lagos State, despite Seyi not confirming political ambitions. Olawande强调 Seyi对尼日利亚年轻人的领导和支持, Olawande highlights Seyi's leadership and support for young Nigerians, emphasizing he's not too young for the role. 然而,Seyi没有积极参与2027年总督职位的竞选活动。 However, Seyi has not been actively involved in campaign efforts for the 2027 gubernatorial position.